SLEEP 2022 Highlight 2 : Digital CBT-I and integrated with the EHR for treatment of chronic insomnia disorder

Numerous speakers, including Mayo Clinic, which is just recently ranked #1 in the US, have integrated its CBT-I with EHR for treating chronic insomnia. Mayo Clinic‘s findings demonstrated the importance of feedback and interaction with patients, especially feedback about self-selected changes to behavior, e.g., progress, nudge/rewards. …

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SLEEP 2022 Highlight: Inspiring Keynote from Dr. Susan Redline – the complexities of sleep-disordered breathing and increased cardiovascular risk

It has been a long debate about whether sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) increases cardiovascular risk. During the keynote of SLEEP 2022, Dr. Susan Redline (MD, MPH, professor of sleep medicine and epidemiology, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health) shared her findings on the physiologic impact of sleep apnea on stroke, hypertension and heart failure. The most insightful sharing from Dr. Redline is that we cannot rely on only one figure: AHI, as AHI does not identify sleep disruption autonomic stresses or phenotypic heterogeneity. Same AHI can have different: (1) duration and distribution of events; (2) Physiological consequences, including sleep fragmentation, hypoxic burden, pressure swings and autonomic cardiovascular (CV) responses. …

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25 million people in the US have Obstructive Sleep Apnea

OSA is a commonly seen sleep disorder with life-threatening consequences. Still, we see its high undiagnosed rate due to the not-so-friendly screening environment: many wires connecting to the patients’ bodies and sleeping in an unfamiliar bedroom, a sleep laboratory, and charging at a high rate. All of these create a high barrier to the mass, whose perception is “OSA would wait” without realizing the damage to their hearts and brains in the long run. Instead, Belun focused on developing a handy wearable so that the public would do the test at home, on their own, with no technician required. …

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Belun Solution for Chronic Disease Patients

During normal sleep, your blood pressure goes down. Having sleep problems means your blood pressure stays higher for a longer period of time.2 High blood pressure is one of the leading risks for heart disease and stroke. About 75 million American —1 in 3 adults—have high blood pressure.1 Decreased sleep is a risk factor for increased blood sugar levels. Even partial sleep deprivation over one night increases insulin resistance, which can in turn increase blood sugar levels. As a result, a lack of sleep has been associated with diabetes, a blood sugar disorder. 3 So, sleep is a top priority for chronic disease management especially for people with diabetes as inadequate amounts of sleep can negatively impact blood sugar levels short and long term.  …

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Sleep Evaluation for Post-Stroke Patients

Belun® Ring as patient’s digital sleep diary: It records what happened every night. Does the patient have insomnia because they cannot fall asleep quickly, not sleep well, or have difficulty falling asleep again after waking up? After wearing the ring, the doctor can have the patient’s data to determine the cause of insomnia more accurately, instead of relying solely on the patient’s description out of sheer memory or manual records. …

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Digital biomarker for pharma

Belun Technology develops a preventive healthcare platform for professionals that need high-quality medical-grade data. There are three primary components: FDA-cleared Belun® Ring as the key, combined with Belun® Core & Belun® Sleep Platform. The platform collects and analyzes the overnight continual physiological parameters for long-period study.  …

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