Sharing with Clinical Psychologists of HK’s Public Hospital

Sharing with Clinical Psychologists of HK’s Public Hospital

Sharing with Clinical Psychologists of HK’s Public Hospital

Thanks for Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital Clinical Psychology Department’s invitation to share potential applications of the Belun Sleep System for better patient care.

Belun's CEO Dr. Lydia Leung was walking through the parameters tracked by the Belun Sleep System
Belun’s CEO Dr. Lydia Leung was walking through the parameters tracked by the Belun Sleep System

Audiences were staffs from public hospitals, including clinical psychologists & nurses.
Belun’s CEO Dr. Lydia Leung was walking through the parameters tracked by the Belun Sleep System

We had a fruitful discussion in the one hour sharing session.

To understand more about how Belun’s applications would help clinical psychologists, see our previous story about CBT-I.

Partnering with Belun :

Up to now, over a hundred organizations, including HK hospital authority hospitals, medical groups, clinic groups, dentists, and elderly centers selected to use the Belun Sleep SystemBelun® Ring and Sleep App, and Belun® remoVital monitoring system. Many doctors read our medical journal papers, including: 

1) “Belun® Ring Platform: a novel home sleep apnea testing system for assessment of obstructive sleep apnea” (,

2) “Detection of obstructive sleep apnea using Belun Sleep Platform wearable with neural network based algorithm and its combined use with STOP-Bang questionnaire” (,

3)Belun® Ring (Belun Sleep System BLS-100): Deep Learning-Facilitated Wearable Enables OSA Detection, Apnea Severity Categorization, and Sleep Stage Classification in Patients Suspected of OSA  (, 

4) Correlation of Pulse Rate Variability(PRV) and Heart Rate Variability(HRV) Metrics During Sleep in Subjects Suspected of OSA (Accepted in SLEEP conference 2023, Abstract ID: 954).

If you would like to know more about how to adopt Belun’s solution in your organization or home use, please feel free to contact us to schedule a meeting by filling out the form below: